Exempt Salary Level Increase

Did you know that the salary level for exempt employees will increase on 1/1/2025 to $1,128 / week from the current $844 per week that took effect on July 2024? Prior to that it was $684 per week.

Why does it matter?

Time to start considering whether start paying those employees an hourly rate or pay them the half time for overtime make more business sense?

Before July 1, 2024$684 per week (equivalent to $35,568 per year)$107,432 per year, including at least $684 per week paid on a salary or fee basis.
July 1, 2024$844 per week (equivalent to $43,888 per year)$132,964 per year, including at least $844 per week paid on a salary or fee basis.
January 1, 2025$1,128 per week (equivalent to $58,656 per year)$151,164 per year, including at least $1,128 per week paid on a salary or fee basis.
July 1, 2027, and every 3 years thereafterTo be determined by applying to available data the methodology used to set the salary level in effect at the time of the update.To be determined by applying to available data the methodology used to set the salary level in effect at the time of the update.

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